Sunday, April 12, 2015

Removing anti-Japan scribbling from Tokyo’s Shrines

Do U.S. and UK remain unchanged a bit? When it comes to stirring up anti-Japan sentiments, their media seem to keep themselves so busy finding something for them to justify their anti-Japan. Something that ranges from a story of “Scrubbing anti-foreigner scribbling from Tokyo’s streets” almost like “a hole-in-the wall” to a story of “Comfort Women” that sounds so pretentious in every respect. The whole population in Japan, excluding some whose true identities remain mysterious have been so annoyed by their trending extremely biased towards Japan and her people, whereas neglecting such a huge defamation as seen in a story of comfort women which Koreans and Chinese colluded with some anti-Japan activists (probably spies) in Japan in 1980s, however, well assisted by mass media like The Asahi Shimbun who has recently apologized for its serious mistakes related to “comfort women” and has retracted all of its related stories.
Japan has been faced with two ethnic groups, Chinese and Korean, actively engaged in anti-Japan activities aiming to give the wrong impression of Japan to the whole world possibly in cahoots with foreign media.  

Some of the responses (these responses are found everywhere in Japan) Japan and her people have so far received from South Koreans (presumably not only paid Korean operatives but also ordinary Korean citizens) to Japan’s legitimate territorial claim over Takeshima Islets that have been illegally occupied by South Korea since January 18, 1952 when Japan was still occupied by the U.S. forces.
This particular BBC trending "Scrubbing anti-foreigner scribbling from Tokyo's streets and the Asahi's Comfort women" story, only two of many stories similar in their nature of being against Japan and her people, remind many Japanese of "Sorge Spy Ring" that actually happened in the prewar Japan. 

A photo below shows Ema (votive tablets) found at a Shrine, on which “Takeshima belongs to Korea”, “Get killed by quakes!”, Submerge! Japan!”, “Japan is sinking!”, “We will conquer Japan!”, “Repent your past! Learn from Korea and China!” are written in Korean alphabet (Hangul).
Speaking of Hangul, before arrival of Prince Ito Hirobumi in Korea on March 3, 1906, illiteracy rate was said to have been almost 90% while Hangul now widely used in both North and South Korea was despised as the writing system for the low class people and women. The educated nobles used only "Chinese writing system". Prince Ito, four-time Prime Minister of Japan and former Resident-General of Korea, better known in Japan for his dedicated and superb involvement in the Meiji Restoration in 1868 and also in drafting the Constitution of Japan first in Asia, had executed a number of measures to promote education indispensably required for the rebuilding of Korea. He secured a loan of JPY 5 million (equivalent to JPY 100 billion at the current value) from the Bank of Japan, 10% of which had been spent on execution of "Regular School Ordinance", "Teachers' Training School Ordinance", "Foreign Languages School Ordinance", "Girls High School Ordinance", and "Private School Ordinance" soon after he was assigned to Korea as the first Resident-General of Korea. This is the historical moment when the formal education began in Korea. 
Japan established 4,271 elementary schools and one national university now called "Seoul University" during Japan-Korea annexation. 

Special Higher Police of Japan had long kept an eye on Miyagi Yotoku who joined Communist Party of U.S.A. in 1931 and returned to Japan in 1933 by the order from Comintern to contact Richard Sorge, by whom Miyagi was soon persuaded to join Sorge Spy Ring. Kitabayashi Tomo was also a member of Communist Party of U.S.A. who returned to Japan in 1939.
They were arrested on suspicion of espionage. They confessed that Richard Sorge under cover of a German journalist had organized his spy ring placed under Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU or Glavnoye Razvedyvatel'noye Upravleniy, USSR=Russia), with other communists in Japan. However, Japan decided to arrest all members of the ring only after their charges were fully confirmed to be substantial through interrogation of Ozaki (described below), not to mention that they would escape to their embassies or commit suicide, and that Japan had to consider her diplomatic relations with Germany.
Among members of the Sorge Spy Ring, Ozaki Hotsumijournalist of the Asahi Shimbun newspaper, communist, Soviet intelligence agent, and an advisor to Prime Minister Konoe Fumimaro. Ozaki Hotsumi was largely responsible for enlargement and entanglement of the military conflicts in China. Max Christiansen-Clausen, a German radio engineer who sneaked into Japan just before the Pacific War and worked as a member of the Sorge Spy Ring.  Branko Vukelić, Yugoslav spy worked for the Sorge Spy Ring under the guise of a journalist. They, along with other 16 spies, were arrested between September 27, 1941 and April 28, 1942. 
Ethnic groups such as Chinese and Koreans demonstrate in Tokyo, Japan, trying to nurture hatred against Japan and her people. In some demonstrations, they masquerade as Japanese nationalists. 

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