Sunday, April 12, 2015

Dubious U.S.-South Korea Alliance !

12 South Korean high school students visiting Okinawa as part of their extracurricular activities have joined a group of local people protesting Henoko airstrip construction at the gate of U.S. Marine Corps Camp Schwab located in northern Okinawa, Japan, now home to the 4th Marine Regiment that defends Japan in fulfillment of the 1952 commitment. Their Korean teacher aged 47 believes that they have to fight against and stop the planned relocation of Marine Corps Air Station Futenma even if the Government of Japan pushes on with its plan as it is not only a matter of Japan but also of the entire Asia.
South Korea, although considered as one of the most important U.S. allies , has consistently remained as an anti-Japan nation since its abnormal birth of August 15, 1948 because of U.S. direct and deep involvement in creating the environment conducive to anti-Japanism in the East Asia during 6 years and eight months long U.S. occupation of Japan, not including the years U.S. had occupied Ogasawara islands and Okinawa Islands.
70 years have passed since the end of the Greater East Asia War (U.S. and its former allies call it “WWII or the Pacific War”. U.S. forced Japan to use “the Pacific War” during the occupation of Japan. ).
However, South Korea, not to mention its better half (North Korea), ironically speaking, perhaps, never realizes that it has had birth defects requiring the immediate attention before it would collapse.
If it has truly considered itself allied to the United States whose intention is to create tripartite alliance based on trust among Japan-U.S.-South Korea, it would have ceased to act against U.S. interests long ago.

Therefore, considering its apparent anti-Japanism based on forged history, Japan has already given up even the slightest hope that there would be “tripartite” at all.
South Korean high school students show off their Tekondo at the gate of the U.S. Camp Schwab in their protest against Japan’s construction work of Henoko Airstrip. 

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