Thursday, January 18, 2018

White Peril: Causes of Japan-Russia War in 1904 日本が日露戦争を戦った本当の理由

"The White Peril in the Far East" by Sidney L. Gulick in 1905 says as follows:
The direct cause of the war, then, has been Russia's ambition for Oriental Empire, bearing down in its progress. Manchuria, Korea, and ultimately Japan herself. This process of Russian expansion has been steadfastly pushed, and ruthlessly. It has brought such overwhelming destruction to innocent people in Siberia and Manchuria; it has heaped such insult and such humiliation upon Japan herself and it is so powerful in crushing the national life of the conquered people, that the determination of Japan to save herself from their fate has thrilled the world into sympathy.
Two minor causes contributing to the war have been Japan's wholly altruistic motive of good-will to Korea and to China and her desire to stand for honest straightforward diplomacy.
私の蔵書の中にThe White Peril in the Far East 東洋白禍 1905年に出版された本であり、日露戦争の意義を説明している。ニューヨーク、シカゴ、トロント、ロンドンで出版された本だ。

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

豪州が何故南氷洋における捕鯨反対を?Why Australia promotes anti-whaling movements?

I'm beginning to gradually develop a clearer picture of why Australia has been a hard-line proponent of the anti-whaling cause in the Southern Hemisphere, compared with other anti-whaling nations. Its firm and un-compromising position helps us portray a picture of the nation desperately reminding the world of the Australian claim to territorial sovereignty in Antarctica rather than being deeply intertwined with the demonstration of its persistent antagonism against Japan's whaling activities.
According to the Australian government, it claims that its Antarctic territory covers nearly 5.9 million square kilometers, about 42% of Antarctica and nearly 80% of the total area of Australia itself.

Red-colored areas claimed by Australia 

The Conference on Antarctica held in Washington, D.C. on October 15, 1959 produced "the Antarctic Treaty" agreed and signed on December 1, the same year by the following 12 nations; The Governments of Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, the French Republic, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, the Union of South Africa, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America.
What Article IV of the present Treaty stipulates is interpreted as and summarized into "freezing of any claims to territorial sovereignty in Antarctica as long as the Treaty is in force.
It is easily assumed that Australia strongly objects Japan's whaling activities in Antarctic ocean not only for reminding the world of its territorial claim and but also possibly for reinforcing it by stretching its tentacles with the use of a terrorist group, Sea Shepherd, and even with the help of the governments of the United States, New Zealand, and Netherlands. Among them, Australia and New Zealand are claimants and the United States of America reserves its right to make a claim in the original Antarctic Treaty while Japan is a non-claimant.
Whenever Sea Shepherd refers to the Antarctic Ocean, it uses an expression "the Australian Antarctic waters" as if to say that the Antarctic Ocean has been recognized as the Australian territorial waters. Or even Sea Shepherd insists that the Government of Australia dispatch navy ships to stop the Japan's whaling activities. Besides, Sea Shepherd has already declared to execute "Suicidal Kamikaze Attack" on the Japanese whaling fleet consistently pursing lawful and peaceful whaling activities in the Antarctic Ocean.
Considering the fact that a cohort of terrorists "Sea Shepherd" has been fully protected by the Government of Australia, their statements seem to be probably threatening to the parties of the Antarctica Treaty and particularly to Japan, thereby misleading us to think that the Government of Australia has violated Article I of the Treaty, stipulating"Antarctica shall be used for peaceful purposes only. There shall be prohibited, inter alia, any measures of a military nature, such as the establishment of military bases and fortifications, the carrying out of military maneuvers, as well as the testing of any type of weapons."
The Government of Australia and Sea Shepherd should keep it in mind that the Treaty did not parse out the competing sovereignty claims; however, it established a system of joint-governance by the Treaty parties, including Japan.
 TedYokohamaTed Yokohama
ししながら、南極地域における領土主張は、南極条約1959年に採択され、1961年に発効した条約の第4条により凍結されております。現在の締約国数は、48ヶ国。当然、この条約の原契約国(12ヶ国)の中に、日本、豪州、ニュージーランド等も含まれており、領土主張する国として、豪州 (続く
Planet of Apes Series Depict Hatred toward the Asian People (Yellow Race) 映画猿の惑星は、アジア人に対する蔑視だった
 maggieRspapaBrad George @
@TedYokohama you ignorant twerp. I'm an Aussie and I support Sea Shepherd. Whaling is barbaric and illegal and not necessary. #SeaShepherd
 maggieRspapaBrad George
@TedYokohama: 豪州が何故南氷洋における捕鯨反対を?Why Australia promotes anti-whaling movements?  @SeaShepherd this guy needs educating!
 TedYokohamaTed Yokohama @
@maggieRspapa @SeaShepherd By educating, you put in a concentration camp for brainwashing and/or torturing me? Or even murdering me?
 TedYokohamaTed Yokohama @
@maggieRspapa @SeaShepherd Are you trying to threaten me like Watson has been doing to the Japanese whalers?
 TedYokohamaTed Yokohama @
@maggieRspapa Remember your Prime Minister has been one of my followers on Twitter for the reason I can't understand.
 TedYokohamaTed Yokohama @
@maggieRspapa @SeaShepherd U must answer me now! Otherwise, I will assume u have accepted my claim that u will put me in a camp---
 maggieRspapaBrad George @
@TedYokohama @seashepherd Ted I don't believe in murdering any animal and i know you are just and animal too! Sort of like a space chimp.
 TedYokohamaTed Yokohama @
@maggieRspapa @seashepherd Now u are revealing what you are. U need a real education.
 maggieRspapaBrad George @
@TedYokohama @seashepherd Ted you are very brave sitting at your murdered whale oil powered computer... Capt Watson and the team are heros.
 TedYokohamaTed Yokohama
Once upon a time, there was a continent called "Australia" well known for its racial discrimination under the slogan of "Yellow Peril".
 TedYokohamaTed Yokohama
 maggieRspapaBrad George
@TedYokohama@maggieRspapa @seashepherd The Possible Violation of Human Rights by One Aussie” bahahaaha
Planet of Apes Series Depict Hatred toward the Asian People (Yellow Race)
According to Wikipedia written in Japanese, La Planète des singes in France, Planet of the Apes in U.S.A., Monkey Planet in U.K., and 猿の惑星 in Japan is said to be a story written based on its author Pierre Boulle's actual experience in French Indochina during the Greater East Asia War.
Before the outbreak of the war, Pierre Boulle was engaged in enslaving and exploiting the Asian people in French Indochina. However, he was captured by Imperial Japanese Forces and was sent to a camp where he thought he was thrown into a position of the Asian people he used to exploit.
Therefore, apes described in the movies are the Asian people. The movies depict his own interpretation (biased against the Asian people) of how he was treated by Japanese soldiers at POW camp. They are nothing but a mere expression of hatred toward the Asian people, particularly Japan and her people who stood up for the emancipation of the Asian people.
フランス人プランテーション経営者であるブールが仏領インドシナにて現地の有色人種を使役していたところ、同じ有色人種である日本人の率いる軍の捕虜となった「立場の逆転」の経験を基に描かれたとされる ーウィキペヂィア